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tv   [untitled]    January 30, 2013 9:30pm-10:00pm PST

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further? >> line item 4 d. >> i am sorry >> sure, commitinger turman. >> sorry, the next line, i know let's call it. >> line item 4 d. >> commission announcements and scheduling for items identified for the consideration at future commission meetings action >> any announcements? >> just that the next meeting will be here in room 400 at city hall and that is wednesday, february 6th. >> and we are having a community meeting on the 27th and i believe that we will have that nailed down and it is tentatively schedule for the saint vincent depaul. i will get that mailed out >> great. >> commissioner turman? >> yes, and i also would like to announce that on monday, february fourth will be the second of our three, community meetings series, on electronic control weapons. that will take place monday, february 4th.
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the scottish right which is located at 2850, 19th avenue at slope here in san francisco from 6:00 to 8:30. and i believe that we will have spanish language translation at that meeting; is that correct?? >> yeah. >> thank you very much. >> commissioner kingsley? >> well, i have a question, regarding the budget. i know that last year, the budget was looked at in terms of two years, but it is usually this time of year that we start looking at the budget and there is, you know, deadlines to submit to the mayor's office and where is that. >> director is preparing it, obviously it is a two-year budget. so this year's budget presentation, every other year the budget presentation will be significantly lighter than it would be on the first year of a two-year budget. so director ganon is preparing a presentation for the commission and i can include it in the chief's report so that
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you don't have to necessarily calendar it. whenever you would like to have her and she could probably use two week's notice >> when is your deadline to the mayor? >> i don't have it on top of my head. >> february 21st. >> february 21st, for all departments. >> i think that this is calendared for next week. >> it is a budget issue. >> i found that earlier today. >> is it? okay. >> hold for next week. >> good. >> one thing that i need to add before at the graduation was a diverse class and one of the most inspiration moments and the young man was pinned with a badge and his grandmother was in a wheelchair and spoke extremely limited english and she said god bless san francisco and god bless america. and he acknowledged that. >> their son obviously member of our arab american community and so it was really special. >> cool. >> all right. so call all of those lines and
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now it is time for public comment, regarding 4, a, b, c, d. >> ray hartzes, director of open government. i am sorry for the officers who gave the presentation on the weapons and the so forth are gone, i think that they did an excellent job. however, i would like to point out to this commission, that none of the slides and statistics and things that were projected were made available in my information packet nor were they available for the public. and as a result, i think that some of you had them, but we were unable to read many of them and certainly not able to take down any notes, and those are requiredments of the sunshine ordinance that documents that are going to be presented at a public meeting are to be made available, i will check on your website to see if they are even there, but i think that i know what i will find. >> to the director's report. first i would like to compliment the director in the fact that i do not remember any time she has presented
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something at any of these meetings where she has failed to provide the documents that were appropriately part of that presentation. so, she seems to be able to handle that responsibility, and okay, that is one of the four. thank you. >> and so i would say that. but on to my main point, i gave director hicks earlier this evening a complaint against inspector james miranda for lying about the existence of public records. and the inspect or visited my home on 2012, to talk to me regarding sfpd number 1 20098278. when i contacted inspector approximately six weeks later he denied that any documents related to the visit to my home or our conversation even existed. when i challenged his statement he refused them to deal with me
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apparently told the city attorney's office acting in the capacity as supervisor of records that the documents did not exist. i learned this from an e-mail from dca justin who stated in part i understand from an... i understand this from an e-mail from i am sorry. i understand further that you had a discussion with inspector miranda and that he informed you that he has no additional records in the file. - >> that petition to supervisor the records has been reopened. it is now being reevaluated by the city attorney's office. inspector miranda lied to me and i believe that he made false representations to the deputy city attorney when she was investigating the existence of the documents telling her that they did not exist, and in may a month later we got confirmation that yes there were documents but they were
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withholding them and they were the law that they were withholding them under. to deny that something exists, when you could have just said, we are going to withhold them based on the law is wrong. . >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> high name is paulette brown
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and as you know i want to use the overhead. >> okay. >> my son again, still unsolved homicide case. and i know i was concerned that you know each year i come here and i am here again tonight because his case is still not solved along with other mothers and fathers that have lost their children. i have been out on the battle field for a long time. and this is something that i will be doing for the rest of my life. and i think that something else needs to be done so that we can have some closure. because i still have no closure.
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i heard you say, that parent deserves some closure. we all deserve closure. it is not no one specific parent or father that deserves special treatment, we all deserve closure. and there is none. we need it. i also stand with other mothers all of the time, the people of color are dying out here. this mother i stand with we are together every day, we just left for conference. on domestic violence. we sit down at 850 bryant, out there with our baby's pictures. city hall, san quinten jail. i went back to school to get my mental health license and my drug and alcohol license so that i could get over to the
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san francisco general and get in the trauma unit and at least get in hold of the mother bfs they get in there so if i can hold it and stop it and give them some kind of for him fort, i want to and that is why i went back to school and to understand. what is going on in people's brains, this is a mental condition, we are suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder. i know that i am. i am missing my boy. dearly. and i need some closure, i don't have any. i'm tired of crying, i am tired of begging. if there is something that i can do, to help you i will. let me know. i mean, i have all of the names of the people that shot my son. i have them. i can come and give them to you.
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they are in his file. something needs to be done. get a subpoena, subpoena them. subpoena them. make them come to court and talk. that is all. >> thank you miss brown. >> any further public comment? >> hearing none, public comment is closed and line item. >> please call item number five. >> discussion of possible action to move the police commission's dark or no meeting day from the second wednesday of each month to the third wednesday of each month. action. >> commissioners, we added to this to agenda because we have taken the second wednesday of the month off, however one of the commissioners has the conflict with the democratic central committee. >> two actually. >> and in addition to that, actually i have meetings that i have to leave early from to
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attend. so if we could move our closed no meeting day with your permission, from the second wednesday of the month to the third that would be appreciated >> so moved. >> second. >> that is i assume starting now. >> yes. >> before we take a vote on that. any public comment regarding that? >> just one question. >> does that also mean that disciplinary day will then move to or to that just be. >> it would be the good news is that our docket is so low that we don't need a dedicated day. >> no public comment on that. public comment is now closed. motion? >> so moved. >> second. >> all in favor? >> aye. >> all right, we need to go to line item number nine now, after we finished the closed session and that is a motion to elect whether to disclose anything in the closed session. >> second. >> any public comment regarding that?
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>> ray hartz, director of san francisco open government and before i start, i will plainly state that prohibting public comment having to do with any item handling with any other item other than for purposes of time are prohibited under both the sunshine ordinance and the brown act. and i am going to go back because i think that some of the comments that i made earlier, were dismissed, rather than responded to. i personally have been in this chamber in the last year, when four times the same excuse was used to rearrange the ago ahead agenda, we have attorneys in here, they are expensive, it is not like it is a big surprise. >> if that is what your priority is, put them third rather than putting them somewhere else and rearranging at the last minute. in addition seven other times i have observed on sfgtv in the last year, whether that was
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done, that is 11 times, in one year. now, you have about 3 meetings a month in this chamber, others are held at different locations. that is about 36 meetings a year, which is pretty high percentage. all that i am saying is, when the public comes they should have an expectation that they can rely on your agenda, if you feel that the expense for the court reporters and the attorneys or whatever is so critical, why not just put it third on the agenda and take general public comment and let the public know we are going into closed session. rather than doing what you seem to do which is wait until the public shows up based on the agenda that was put out under the law and then simply say we have decided that we are going to rearrange it. >> it is not a surprise to you, you are all a bunch of intelligent people most of you are lawyers, if that is the thing that is critical to you then be honest about it. and when i bring up these comments, i see a bunch of eye
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rolling and a bunch of dismissiveness, i come here because i do know my rights under the sunshine ordinance, with the police department and the police commission and my complaints, i am six for six. i don't take complaints to the sunshine ordinance task force for giggles i do it because i watch you violate the law and i go there and i'm found to be right. and i think that it is a shame that any member of the public has to spend his or her time and come to public meetings and tell people who took a oath of office to protect and defend the constitution of the united states that they don't have the right to stifle public comment or to deny access to public records. very frankly, east germans living in germany can go and see their stofy reports russians can look at their kgb reports and i cannot get a look at a report that was made for a
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visit to my house for the sfg, and that is ironic. >> any further public comment on this matter? >> commission comment? >> no. >> public comment is now closed. >> >> please call item number ten. >> we have to vote on nine >> let's vote on nine. >> the vote to elect whether to disclose anything on item eight. san francisco, code section 67-12 a. action. >> just for the record before we vote. this is only the second time that i have actually had to do that to move a disciplinary matter or a personnel matter up. it is a sensitive issues and we did it for a lot of reasons. and it was perfectly permissible to do so and it was done so with the advice of the city attorney. so, i believe accuracy in what the people report to the commission and say in front of the commission and sometimes
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that is lost. so do i have a vote? >> aye. >> aye. >> all in favor. >> please call line item number ten. >> item ten. >> adjournment. >> a motion? >> i so moved. >> second. >> thank you. push
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he jennifer low and the clerk of the meeting, mr. victor young. mr. clerk, do we have any announcements? >> yes. [speaker not understood] electronic device. completed speaker cards copy of any documents to be included as part of the file should be submitted to the clerk. items acted upon today will appear on the february 15th board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. >> thanks very much. mr. clerk, can you please call item number 1 and number 2 together? >> item number 1, resolution authorizing the san francisco department of public health to retroactively accept and expend a grant in the amount of $519,945 from centers for disease control and prevention to participate in a program entitled "active, enhanced surveillance for viral hepatitis in san francisco, california" for the period of november 1, 2012, through
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october 31, 2013. item number 2, resolution authorizing the san francisco department of public health to retroactively accept and expend a grant in the amount of $300,000 from centers for disease control and prevention to participate in a program entitled "hepatitis b early identification and linkage to care for foreign-born persons with hepatitis b in san francisco" for the period of september 30, 2012, through september 29, 2013. >> thank you. and we have dr. melissa sanchez here from the department of public health? >> yes, correct. >> thanks for joining us. >> thank you. yes, i'm the project director and the principal investigator for both projects. >> okay. >> i'll be happy to answer any questions you have. >> colleagues, do we have any questions about item 1 or 2? okay, i think we're good. thanks for being here. >> we just have a real brief
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presentation of the items, that would be great. >> sure, sure. the first item, the surveillance project being funded by the cdc is for us to maintain core surveillance of hepatitis b and hepatitis c in san francisco and to look at high-risk populations in our city. for hepatitis b, that would be the asian pacific islander population. for hepatitis c that would be our baby boomers as well as iv drug users and then also african-american population. and then the second study is also -- it's looking at hepatitis b specifically and it's testing, screening, and looking to care for those chronically infected with hepatitis b and the target population is foreign born asian pacific islanders. >> okay, thank you very much. >> sure. >> supervisor mar? >> i'd like to open up to public comment. there are any members of the public that would wish to comment on items numbers 1 or
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2. seeing none, public comment is closed. supervisor mar. * >> i wanted to ask dr. sanchez, i know there is a very broad and strong help b free coalition and within the baby boomer population, which i'm a part as well * , i'm just wondering is there a similar coalition that works on hep b as well? >> yes, there is a hepatitis c task force that was convened by the previous mayor and we meet and try to appropriately target those high-risk population, the iv drug user and african-american population. >> thank you. colleagues, any other questions? i'd like to make a motion to modxv items 1 and 2 to the full board with recommendation. without opposition, so moved. mr. clerk, can you please call items number 3 and 4 together?
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>> item number 3, resolution authorizing the recreation and park department to retroactively accept and expend a nature education facilities grant from the california state department of parks and recreation in the amount of $5,477,193 for the randall museum renovation, for the period of july 1, 2009, to june 30, 2017. item number 4, resolution authorizing the recreation and park department to retroactively accept an in-kind gift of project management services valued at $130,000 from the randall museum friends for the randall museum renovation project, for the period of october 24, 2012, to june 30, 2017. >> thank you. and we have jasmine from rec and park department here. i'll give the floor to you in a minute if you can provide a brief overview of what the project entails, that would be great. >> sure, i'll keep it brief. i'm with the recollect ask park capital improvements division and we're here to ask for your approval of both items 3 and 4,
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the accept and expend grant resolution as well as the in-kind gift resolution. these are both sponsored by supervisor wiener of crown heights. a brief summary, the accept and expend resolution is for a $5.4 million grant awarded by the california park and recreation department for improving the nature facilities. the grant was awarded in april 2011 and approved by the rec and park commission in october of this year. the project involves renovation and modernization of interior exhibits as well as reception areas and installation of facilities intended to meet accessibility requirement, in particular the americans with disabilities act. the grant does not cover indirect project costs. so, those would be administrative costs.
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and the performance period for the grant is through june 30th of 2017. the contract period extends well beyond that and that's intended only to make sure that the project is used for its intended purpose through a later date. the second resolution is for the in-kind gift in the amount of $130,000 from the randall museum friends. and that would go directly -- it's to san francisco rec and parks department for the services of a project coordinator. and included in this is a memorandum of understanding between the randall museum friends and the san francisco recreation and parks department outlining the roles and responsibilities for the project coordinator. and basically the project coordinator will serve as a liaison between the randall museum friendstionv and rec and park from design through construction. * friends
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the design construction documents are expected to be completed by the summer of 2014. construction will begin in early 2015 and it should be complete by fall of 2015. this is obviously a project of great interest to the community and it will provide much needed improvement to the museum facility including access to the site as well as better access to the museum exhibits and collections. and i'm available for your questions. >> colleagues, do we have any questions at this time? okay. seeing none, thank you very much. at this time i'd like to open up to public comment. if there are any members of the public that wish to comment on item number 3 or number 4, please step forward. seeing none, public comment is closed. so, we have a motion by supervisor avalos to move items numbers 3 and 4 forward to the full board with recommendation. seconded by supervisor mar and we can do that without objection. *
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all right, mr. clerk, could we please call items 5, 6 and 7 together, please? >> yes. item number 5, resolution finding that a project proposed by the city to expend and renovate the north and south exhibit halls of the moscone convention center, including reconfiguring the north and south exhibit halls to create additional contiguous exhibit space, a new ballroom, new loading and building service space, and improvements to the landscaping, urban design, and public realm, within and adjacent to the north and south exhibit halls, is fiscally feasible and responsible under administrative code, chapter 29. item number 6, ordinance authorizing the execution and delivery of certificates of participation evidencing and representing an aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $507,880,000 to finance the costs of additions and improvements to the george r. moscone convention center; approving the form of trust agreement between the city and county of san francisco and the trustee (including certain indemnities contained therein); authorizing the selection of the trustee by the director of public finance, approving respective forms of a property lease and a project lease, each between the city and the trustee for the lease and lease back of all or a portion of the moscone center, including the moscone expansion project, to be constructed thereon; authorizing the execution and delivery of assessment notes payable from moscone expansion district assessments to further secure principal, premium, if any, and interest evidenced and represented by the certificates; granting general
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authority to city officials to take necessary actions in connection with the authorization, issuance, sale, and delivery of the certificates and the assessment notes; approving modifications to documents and agreements; and ratifying previous actions taken in connection therewith. item number 7, ordinance appropriating $507,880,000 of certificate of participation proceeds to fund the moscone center expansion project in the general services agency, office of the city administrator, for fy 2012-2013 and placing these funds on controller's reserve pending issuance of the cop's or associated commercial paper used for cash flow purposes in fy 2012-2013. >> thank you very much, mr. clerk. and i want to welcome a number of people involved from the moscone expansion district and program here. first, john nagucci, if you'd like to start off. i know a number of people will be speaking, nadia, joe, brook and john. so, john, why don't you go ahead. >> thank you, supervisor. good morning, chair farrell, supervisor mar, supervisor avalos. i'm from the convention facilities. get the slide. >> sfgtv -- >> thank you. today we have three separate
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except but related items you'll be asked to act on today. an order authorizing the issuance of cops, supplemental appropriation for cops and resolution finding fiscal feasibility. joining me today are joe president and ceo of the san francisco travel association. joe will talk briefly about the need to expand the moscone center. next brook, dpw senior project manager, will go through the project scope sequencing fiscal and feasibility. nadia, [speaker not understood], will go through financing cop issuance. i'll come back and briefly review the schedule and wrap up today's presentation. thank you again for your valuable time and continued support as we move through this important project through the legislative process. i would now like to introduce joe to discuss the importance and need for moscone center expansion.
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>> thank you, john. chair and representatives of the committee, [speaker not understood] i'm with the travel association. i appreciate the opportunity to be here before you to talk about a very important project for the future of san francisco economy and job creation. the moscone convention center is one of the most popular convention centers in the united states. it's not the largest, in fact it's number 25 on the top convention centers in the country, but it probably generates the most amount of revenue per square foot of any in the country. it is very much in demand and frankly is at capacity. every time we open the new expansion of the center whether first moscone south, then moscone north then west, the building filled to capacity. we're at the point now we have to take the next step. our plans are asking for additional space. some of our larger conventions who generate a large amount of revenue and tax dollars for the city are forced to look at other options, look at other cities because they're outgrowing our facility. as you know, tourism is is a major economic engine for san francisco.
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in 2011 we had over 16 million visitors. about 40% of those are international visitors and they spent over -- almost $8-1/2 billion in our economy, generating over 500 million dollars in local taxes. these are taxes that the residents of san francisco would have to pay if it wasn't for the visitors doing that. it created over 71,000 darer local jobs and really had a major factor in our economic recovery. conventions accounted for nearly $1.8 billion or 21% of all the tourism revenue spent in san francisco and 27% of all hotel room occupan. * our independent study shows that without the expansion of moscone, where losing dollars right now, over $2 billion has already been lost between 2010 and 2019, for groups that had to leave san francisco or couldn't meet here because of the size of our center. and history has proven the success. the moscone tourism improvement district that we passed four years ago generated a great partnership with t